Officium Majoris Hebdomadæ Et Octavæ Paschæ


Officium Majoris Hebdomadae is the original edition of 1923 book, it has all the Masses and liturgy of Holy Week, with readings and mainly music, including the chants for the four Gospel Passion narratives, and all other chants of Holy Week and Easter, according to the Roman Rite as it stood prior to the Holy Week reforms of 1955. This is a very rare book, presented in very high quality scan. Paperback, 553 pages.


Officium Majoris Hebdomadæ Et Octavæ Paschæ is the original edition of 1923 book, it has all the Masses and liturgy of Holy Week, with readings and mainly music, including the chants for the four Gospel Passion narratives, and all other chants of Holy Week and Easter, according to the Roman Rite as it stood prior to the Holy Week reforms of 1955. This is a very rare book, presented in very high quality scan.

It contains chants for celebrations of Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday (including Passion Narratives) through Easter Triduum and Easter Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

  • Lamentations of Jeremiah with simple tones,
  • Famous Hymns like Vexilla regis, Pange lingua, Crux fidelis
  • Celebration of Mass of the Chrism (Missa Chrismatis)
  • Exsultet

In appendix there are chants for feasts of few saints, common tunes for psalmody, lectures, prayers and others.

Officium Majoris Hebdomadæ Et Octavæ Paschæ Index

Ordo Missae
Canon Missae
Dominica in Palmis
Feria II Majoris Hebdomadæ
Feria III Majoris Hebdomadæ
Feria IV Majoris Hebdomadæ
Feria V in Cena Domini
Feria VI, in Parasceve
Sabbato Sancto
Dominica Resurrectionis
De II Die Infra Octavam Paschae
De III Die Infra Octavan Pschae
Appendix I: Festa duplicia et semiduplicia
Appendix II: Toni communes officii et missæ

et Octavæ Paschæ
cum canto

juxta ordinem
Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis Romani
editio compendiosa i juxta typicam
sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet
S. Sedis Apost. et S. Rituum Congregationis typographi

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