Apologetics: A Philosophic Defense and Explanation of the Catholic Religion

US$ 19.00

This book of apologetics fills a great need by presenting a clear and logical statement of the reason behind the Catholic religion.  Author: Rev. Msgr. Paul L Glen.  Softcover. 321 pages.


SKU: TB-312 Category:

In its use by the Church, “Apologetics” means a formal statement and defense of the truth of the Catholic religion. As such, this book of apologetics fills a great need by presenting a clear and logical statement of the reason behind the Catholic religion.

Every educated Catholic has a duty to investigate the reasonableness of his religion and to be prepared to explain it to non¬Catholics. This is part of being a soldier of Christ and a witness to the Truth. The author aims at arming his readers for the warfare of ideas which the Catholic must face in today’s society.

  • This book covers the proofs for the existence of God;
  • His nature, attributes and actions on the world;
  • The nature of religion; the necessity and fact of supernatural revelation;
  • Christ the Redeemer,
  • True God and true man;
  • His Church-its marks and attributes;
  • The necessity of the Church;
  • plus, the Bible as the true word of God.

Furthermore, our Web section on Apologetics contains important writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians. Faithful Catholics will find in the works of many Saints a path of return to Christ and His Church, the true Catholic Church, and realize that “All Novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy” (St. Vincent of Lerins). Why resort to the teachings of modern-day heretics, when the holy Pontiffs have already spoken so clearly?

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