Your Catholic Language – A Latin Textbook from the Missal

US$ 34.00

It is without doubt the best Latin textbook for a neophyte who wishes to learn well the language of Holy Mother Church. 1940 Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. Hardcover, 232 pages.


SKU: LP-8170 Category:

Your Catholic Language – A Latin Textbook from the Missal – without doubt the best Latin textbook for a neophyte who wishes to learn well the language of Holy Mother Church. The Latin is taken directly from the Missal and as a teaching tool this book is simple and thorough and not intimidating. Highly recommended, especially for Catholic homeschoolers or anyone new to our language.

Mary Perkins worked for Sheed & Ward publishers in the 1930s and was a close friend of Fr. Leonard Feeney who encouraged her to publish this book. 1940 Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.

Your Catholic Language - A Latin Textbook from the Missal. Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur

Your Catholic Language – A Latin Textbook from the Missal

  1. Why Learn Latin
  2. Why Not Learn Latin
  3. Lessons with Mass of Our Lady
  4. Lessons with Proper of First Mass of Christmas
  5. Summary.
  6. Proper of Mass for Corpus Christi, with translation
  7. Proper of Mass for the Anniversary of the Dead, with translation
  8. Latin Hymns
  9. English translations of hymns
  10. Latin out Loud
  11. Tables of Conjugations and Declensions
  12. Vocabulary

Sample Pages

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